Room ##### Overview ********* Rooms in the Nano file sharing ecosystem represent a kind of resource group for collaborative tasks. Rooms come with full membership control and a basic chat feature. Optionally a Drive can be attached to the Room, making it's contents accessible for all members. Without a Drive attached to the Room, the Room functions as a basic message board for it's members. The owner can attach a Drive to the Room which upgrades the Room with several features. The owner will be able to promote chosen members to administrators, who will be able to help the owner in managing an overly populated Room. With a Drive attached, several options become available for customizing the Room. Create Room ************ To create a Room you have to open the user menu by clicking on your avatar at the top left corner of the Nano webapp. In the user menu, click the *Create Room*, which brings up the New Room dialog window. Enter the desired Room name and click Save, which will create your new Room. Room Options ************* To modify an existing Room you have to first select the Room by clicking on it's name in the Workspace, then click on the Gear icon beside the highlighted Chat tab. This brings up the Room's settings page. There are several options available for customizing a room: - Change the Room's name and avatar image - Enable or disable anonymous access - Enable or disable message board functionality Additionally if you are the owner of the room or received administrator or moderator roles from the owner, you can edit the room membership permissions for each Room member, or invite new members using the *invite* button. You can leave the Room by clicking on the *Leave* button. .. HINT:: Room administrators only have member management abilities when there is a Drive attached to the Room When *anonymous access* is enabled, the Room becomes accessible to anyone who obtains the Room's *share link*. When the *message board* functionality is enabled, only the owner and administrators will be able to make new posts in chat. Room Membership **************** The Room's settings page shows a table with the current Room members and their membership roles. Each ticked checkbox shows what kind of roles the member has received. You can modify each members' role by ticking or unticking the corresponding checkboxes. Delete Room ************ Deleting the Room won't delete the attached Drive. Attach Drive ************* Attaching a Drive to the Room can be done in the *Nano Manager* page. Please refer to the :ref:`webapp-guide-drive` article for attaching a Drive to your Room. Browse Drive Content ********************** If a Drive is attached to a Room, you can browse it's contents within the Room. By clicking on the *Drive* tab you switch over to the Drive browser view, which will list the Drive's root contents. In this view you can create new folders on the Drive by clicking on the *New Folder* icon on the top right corner of the page. This action creates the folder on the Nano Client's host machine. By clicking the *Upload* icon you can choose a file on your current machine to upload to the Drive. Workspace ********** At the right side of the Nano Webapp, after logging in, you can find your *workspace*. The workspace sidebar allows you to quickly overlook and organize the Rooms that are available to you. You can freely arrange your Rooms into custom groups for a better overview. These groups exist only for you. By default new Rooms are found in the *Ungrouped* group. You can create new groups by either clicking on the gear icons beside each group name and selecting *Create Group*, or by opening the user menu and selecting *Create group*.